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How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce


Divorce is never an easy process and it can be especially difficult to try to explain it to your children. Children can find a difficult time understanding the concept of divorce and may not be able to make sense of the changing dynamics in their family. It is important for parents to understand both their own emotions as well as those of their children in order to make this a successful conversation. Providing support and positive guidance through this transition can be a huge help for your children.

At Daniels Law in Fort Myers FL, we understand the complexity of divorce cases and are here to provide guidance throughout this process. Below, you will find tips on how you can effectively talk with your kids about divorce, that could serve as a resource during such conversations:

  1. Have an honest conversation when the timing is right: While it’s understandable that you may want closure with the discussion, wait until everyone is relaxed before initiating conversation – especially if there are tensions between you and your ex-spouse or partner – make sure this isn’t done when any temporary stressors are present in either party for a more effective dialogue.
  2. Create an informative yet safe environment prior: Let the child know that they aren’t the cause or reason of why you’re divorcing-there may be days when they feel responsible but emphazise they should know they aren’t responsible in anyway- no adult should have gotten married unless they were completely honest and true with themselves first , causing irreparable damage either directrly or indirectly onto yourself and Children alike.

3 Explain calmly why things have changed: Be prepared with information that best describes why parents choose divorce instead of staying together – explain things based on age appropriateness with explanation such as incompatibility or simply too many different interests instead of arguing during further heated exchanges over petty matters – patience will help avoid any negative behavioural patterns on both parent’s part throughout these situations which should always take precedence above any prior disagreement ratehr than allowing transference of innaproppriate arguments from one area into another by suggesting alternative solution sand outcomes which would serve collective well being rather than just individualistic grievances/ complaints etc .

Preparing for the Conversation

Telling your kids about the decision to get a divorce can be one of the hardest conversations to have, and it’s important to be prepared for it. Understading the age and emotional needs of your children and preparing what you need to say ahead of time can make the conversation easier. In this guide, we’ll help you to plan and prepare for this difficult conversation.

Get the facts

Gather information about divorce, including legal, financial and practical considerations. Making decisions related to separation and divorce can be much easier if everyone involved understands the process as well as the potential trouble spots. Consider purchasing an informational book on the subject or speaking with a lawyer to learn more about laws and procedures surrounding divorce.

If possible, both parents should be informed of this information before talking to their children. This ensures that all parties are both knowledgeable and consistent when discussing the decision. It’s important for parents to be aware of any misconceptions or exaggerated ideas their children may have gathered, either from other kids in school or online sources. Providing accurate facts will lend validity and trustworthiness to your conversations with your kids about the divorce process.

Consider the child’s age

When considering how to talk to your kids about divorce, it’s important to remember that the conversation will be different depending on the age of your child. It’s important to know that younger children will have a much harder time with this transition, while older children tend to accept it more readily.

For young children (ages 0-6) it can be especially difficult since they are still growing up and may not understand why mom and dad are not together anymore. Furthermore, because they don’t yet possess a full understanding of divorce, it’s important to remain positive when speaking with them and avoid blaming each other as soon as possible. Reassure them that they are loved by both parents and make sure they understand they did nothing wrong.

Children ages 6-12 may have a better understanding of what divorce is; however, this age range is also the time that many children start feeling anxious or depressed due to the separation of their parents from one another. You should try hard to explain the change in an understandable way without burdening them emotionally or placing blame for anything on either parent. Simple explanations keep the conversation focused on details but avoid heavy emotions where possible.

Finally for teens (ages 12-18), although you should still approach conversations about divorce positively, teens typically have an easier time understanding complex situations such as a marriage ending in divorce. Discuss any anxieties or emotions either parent has never been afraid to answer questions honestly but remember that this can be an overwhelming experience so take steps needed to ensure mental health wellbeing during this trying process.

Choose the right time and place

It’s important to be intentional and purposeful in selecting the best time and place to talk to your kids about divorce. Choose a relaxed atmosphere where you can be sure you will have their full attention. It’s best if it’s not a hectic or stressful environment, like late at night or before school. You want them to be alert and focused when you have the conversation.

Refrain from pursuing sensitive topics in shared public areas, such as the dining room table in an apartment building with neighbors close by or in the car during a busy morning commute. Instead, opt for an area of privacy like their bedroom when everyone is home, so that no one needs to adjust their volume or shy away from talking openly due to a lack of space around them.

Ground rules should also be established beforehand so that both of you can listen attentively. Make sure each person gets ample opportunity to voice what is on their mind without being interrupted. Through patience and mutual respect, both parties can start off on the right foot towards open dialogue and acceptance while creating an emotionally safe space.

Rehearse and practice

Having a conversation with your children about divorce can be difficult and the emotions involved can create tension. To better prepare for this conversation, rehearse and practice speaking with someone close to you or a mental health professional before you talk to your kids. It’s important to think through how you want to communicate with them and anticipate potential reactions in advance. Mapping out what you want to say, as well as how and when to spend time together, will help ensure that the conversation runs smoothly.

When rehearsing what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it, consider both young children’s communication needs and older children’s wishes for more information about the divorce process itself. Consider active listening techniques so that you are ready for whatever your child might have to say in reaction. It’s important not be defensive and take each child’s reaction into consideration as they may all react differently due news of the divorce. When talking about the divorce itself, it’s essential that parents avoid making negative statements about each other when in front of their children. Remind yourself ahead of time that regardless of what your partner has done wrong, it is likely not helpful for your child at this sensitive stage of their life if they are made aware of their parent’s faults or negative feelings against each other.

During the Conversation

It’s important to be sensitive when talking to your kids about divorce. Make sure to pick the right time and place for the conversation, create an atmosphere in which your children will feel comfortable, supported, and heard. Explain to them that the divorce is not their fault and try to assure them it was a decision that both parents made together.

Keep it simple

When you are having a conversation with your kids about your divorce, it’s important to keep the message simple and to the point. Be prepared with an age-appropriate explanation so that your children can understand what is happening. Talk about the facts and not any gossip you may have heard from friends or relatives. It is essential to create an environment of respect, support and encouragement for your children so they don’t feel cast aside in this trying time.

Reassure them that both parents will continue to focus on their needs and be there for them as much as possible. Depending on their age, explain that although this may be a difficult transition, it does not mean that either parent loves them any less than before and both parents can still work together cooperatively in providing structure, comfort, and love for each child during this difficult time.

Set ground rules, such as no badmouthing each other or putting children in the middle of conflicts between parents. Let your child know that it is perfectly all right for them to express their feelings – sadness, anger or hurt – if they need to talk about it or if they just want to cry. Acknowledge their feelings without judgment or an attempt to fix things right away and make sure they understand that divorce isn’t bad but rather an opportunity for everyone involved to live better lives beyond the relationship struggles they experienced prior to the split-up.

Avoid blaming

When talking to your kids about your divorce, it is important that you approach the situation from a non-judgmental and objective point of view. This means steering clear of assigning blame for the breakup or making value judgments about the other parent or why the divorce happened. Creating an open and non-threatening environment can help foster positive interactions between parents and children during this time, which ultimately allows for more responsive communication between all parties involved.

It is important not to criticize, blame or put down either Parent in front of the Child. The Child already has enough difficulty processing the information without introducing more unnecessary criticism of themselves or their family members. Encourage your Child to respect both Parents equally and never use them as sounding boards to ‘vent’ negative feelings. If your Child expresses anger and frustration, tell them it is natural to express those feelings but not OK to react with violence towards either Parent.

Also try not to bring up any past wrongs done by your former spouse that do not directly relate to child custody issues you may be dealing with at present; again this can make it difficult for your child process their emotions as they may get overwhelmed by feeling guilty choosing one parent over another. Ultimately, creating a calm and non-reactive environment helps children manage their emotions in a healthy way when dealing with parental divorce or separation so focus on establishing boundaries within the conversation carefully crafted yet open message regarding each other’s roles going forward after divorce occurs.

Reassure the child of your love

When talking to your child about the divorce and the changes that will come with it, be sure to express unconditional love. Even though this time of transition can create a world of uncertainty for them, reassure them that you and your co-parent still love and care for them.

It is normal for a child to feel guilty about the split causes by differences between parents later on in life. Acknowledge their hurtful comments but let them know that it was not their fault and leave room for having further conversations about it. Let them know that even if you two no longer live together, you both still want what is best for them and will continue to do so, together or apart.

Be honest in addressing potential changes, such as different arrangements at home, or changes in activities or hobbies due to each parent’s varied schedules. Taking control of the conversation can help assuage your children’s worries so they recognize that you are in charge of the decisions being made regarding family life during divorce proceedings.

Explain the changes that will happen

Explaining the changes that the divorce will bring is an important conversation to have with your kids. Divorce often means that there are changes to households, parents, bedtimes, and school schedules. Talk with your children about what these changes mean for them as individuals and for your family as a whole. Be honest about the modifications that will take place but also emphasize how there will be new opportunities to explore and growth through difficult times. Reassure your children that although things may look different, their parents still love them no matter what and will always be supportive of them in any way possible.

Answer questions

When talking to your child about divorce, it is important that you answer his or her questions honestly. Even if the answers are difficult to communicate, be sure to respond in an age-appropriate manner. Do not avoid answering questions—children can sense when something is being hidden from them. Giving carefully considered response and explanations allows for trust, understanding, and helping your child process their feelings about the divorce. When possible, it is wise to be consistent in answers and information regardless of who your child talks with regarding the divorce. Additionally, it is recommended that both parents are present when talking with a child about the changes taking place in their family structure whenever possible.

After the Conversation

Once you have had the conversation with your kids about your divorce, it is important to check in with them frequently. Listen to their feelings and let them know that your love for them is still strong despite the changes taking place. Ask them about their feelings and be sure to thank them for being honest with you. With time, the conversation about divorce will become easier for them to talk about but being attentive is the key.

Monitor the child’s emotions

As adults, it is important to understand the full range of emotions that may come up for your child during and after the divorce. Children of all ages may feel a variety of intense feelings, including anger, disappointment, confusion, sadness and fear. It is essential to stay connected with your child and pay attention to any changes in behavior or emotions so that proper care can be given if needed. This could include talking to them more often as well as asking questions related to how they are feeling. Parents should also look out for physical changes such as sleeplessness or changes in appetite.

If possible, it may also be beneficial to attend family counseling sessions with your child or seek help from other qualified professionals such as a therapist or support group leader. These steps will help ensure that you are doing everything possible to monitor your child’s mental health and well-being throughout the divorce process and have resources available for any additional care needed.

Be consistent

Once you’ve had the conversation, it’s important to be consistent with your children, no matter how they respond. Let them know that all feelings are accepted and it is ok to talk about their emotions. Make sure you take the time to listen and answer any questions they may have.

When it comes to communicating with your children about divorce, try keeping a routine. Reinforce positive behavior, and be aware of signs of struggle or anxiety that could come from the upcoming changes. It’s important to stay focused on what matters most – providing love and support for your children as they move through this difficult transition in their lives. It may feel hard to remain consistent but consistency is extremely important for helping children adjust during the process of divorce.

Also be sure that you both share expectations with your children so there is no misunderstanding or confusion between both households when it comes down making plans or rules regarding visitation and extracurricular activities. When possible include your former spouse in any conversations so that decisions can be agreed upon as a unit. Be prepared should there arise any conflict between either house rules to help keep things calm while also standing strong behind what has been established as acceptable behavior within each home environment.

Talk about it again

Once the conversation is over, it’s important to bring the topic up again. Reassure your children that you will continue to talk about the situation, and ask for their input or understanding as needed. Make sure your kids know that there are plenty of resources available from counselors, books, and websites to help them process their feelings.

Let your children know that it’s okay to ask questions or share their thoughts. Encourage them to openly communicate with you and the other parent throughout the process. A divorce is a difficult situation, so it will likely take time for them to really understand what is happening.

Remind your kids that although their life may look different now, you will do everything possible as a parent to make sure they are taken care of and safe as they transition into a new lifestyle. Be honest with your children but also be mindful not to disrespect the other parent when discussing what led you both to this point. Divorce can be emotionally taxing but with open communication during this time all involved parties can achieve peace of mind despite what may seem like an insurmountable hardship today.


Talking to your kids about divorce is one of the most difficult conversations a parent can face. It’s important to stay level-headed, provide facts, and give reassuring statements throughout these conversations. No matter what age your children are, it’s ok to be honest and let them talk openly and express their emotions without judging them.

Divorce is a tough topic to bring up with children, but it’s one they will remember for the rest of their lives. Showing concern for their feelings, being honest with them as much as possible, creating a secure environment for them to talk openly about their thoughts and emotions, allowing time for questions and offering ongoing reassurance will go a long way towards creating a better understanding of the situation.

While discussing this topic with your kids can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming if you take some time beforehand to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. By utilizing the methods outlined in this guide, you will most likely find an effective way of speaking with your children about divorce that works best for both of you.

The post How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce first appeared on Daniels Law, P.A..
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