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If Considering Divorce, An Uncontested Divorce May be Your Best Option


During this pandemic, most people are spending more time at home. They are also spending more time with their spouse. This can either bring a couple closer together, or have the opposite effect. They may realize they do not get along and are spending the day wishing to be apart. If a married couple feels they no longer want to be married and agree to divorce, they may want to consider an uncontested divorce.

There is a residency requirement for divorce in Florida. At least one of the spouses must be a resident in Florida for at least six months before the couple can file for divorce in the state.

Here are some other criteria for an uncontested divorce:

The divorcing couple is not fighting and have no disputes regarding:

  • Finances
  • Alimony
  • Child custody
  • Child Support
  • Property distribution

If you have minor children, a timesharing schedule must be agreed upon (how much time each parent will spend with the child/children). When it comes to finances, both parties must be willing to disclose their finances to each other.

Even if you and your soon to be ex agree on property division and parenting issues, it can still be an emotional and confusing time. You will probably have questions along the way. In an uncontested divorce, each case is different and how things are handled can have an impact for years to come. It is good to have someone to help make the process as smooth as possible and also that the terms of settlement work for both parties and any children involved.

Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce where both parties agree on everything can save time and money, and it involves less paperwork. In the majority of cases in Lee County, no court appearance is required.

It is still advised that each spouse have attorney representation for an uncontested divorce. If a Marital Settlement Agreement is not done correctly to protect both parties, it will be difficult and costly to modify later. There are several other documents that also need to be filed in an uncontested divorce.

This type of divorce is usually faster than a contested divorce and allows for both parties to move on with their lives in more quickly and with less emotional stress than a traditional, contested divorce.

At Daniels Law, we can help your uncontested divorce process go as smooth as possible. If you are considering divorce and have questions, give us a call.

The post If Considering Divorce, An Uncontested Divorce May be Your Best Option first appeared on Daniels Law, P.A..
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